Ryan R. Munns
injury, personal, orlando, injuries, accidents, accident, compensation, munns, cases, team

Orlando Personal Injury Lawyer

At Bogin, Munns & Munns, our commitment is simple: empowering Orlando’s personal injury victims to reclaim their lives. With experience and unwavering dedication, our team of legal professionals stands as a beacon of hope in times of distress. Our Orlando personal injury lawyers have helped clients in the area protect their legal right to compensation.

After you have suffered injuries in an accident, it may seem impossible to get your life back on track. After all, injuries not only take a toll on the physical well-being of accident victims, but they can weigh heavily on your mind as you fight to take control of your life. Even minor injuries can result in lost wages, mounting medical costs, and increased stress in your personal life. Call our injury team now for a free consultation.

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Choosing Our Personal Injury Firm to Represent Your Orlando Case

Since 1979, our law firm has done nothing except dedicate itself to clients that have suffered. Our primary goal is to win you the maximum amount of compensation possible for your settlement. With years of experience supporting our outstanding team of attorneys, you can focus on getting better from your accident while we handle all of the legal work for you. Our personal injury attorneys offer:

  • Compassionate Advocacy: Our Orlando personal injury lawyers understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll of a personal injury. Our compassionate approach ensures that each client receives personalized attention and empathetic support throughout their journey to justice.
  • A Proven Track Record: Backed by years of experience, our attorneys have successfully navigated complex personal injury cases, securing substantial compensation for our clients. From negotiations to litigation, we employ strategic prowess to achieve favorable outcomes.
  • Client-Centered Solutions: Every case is unique, deserving tailored solutions. We prioritize open communication and collaboration, empowering clients with knowledge and confidence every step of the way. Your goals become our mission.
  • Accessible Guidance: Facing legal challenges shouldn’t exacerbate your burdens. With Bogin, Munns & Munns, accessibility is paramount. We offer transparent guidance, answering questions promptly and providing clarity in the legal process.
  • A Trusted Ally: In the aftermath of a personal injury, trust is invaluable. At Bogin, Munns & Munns, integrity forms the foundation of our practice. Clients entrust our Orlando personal injury lawyers with their stories, and we honor that trust with unwavering dedication and ethical representation.

Understanding Negligence and Personal Injury Law

When it comes to knowing if you have a claim that you can file, you first need to understand how negligence works. Negligence is when another party fails to exercise their duty of care toward you and others around them. The duty of care is the responsibility everyone in society has to ensure they don’t take risky or unnecessary actions that can lead to harm.

If someone fails to uphold their duty of care, that makes them negligent and thus liable for whatever damages they cause. If your accident happened due to the negligence of another party, the law entitles you to file a claim against them.

Still, even if the law is on your side, that doesn’t mean you’re automatically guaranteed compensation. It’s notoriously difficult to fight for compensation on your own, especially against an insurance company that has a lot of legal resources. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to hire a personal injury lawyer that can assist you in winning the financial compensation to which you are entitled.

Determining Fault for an Orlando Personal Injury

The individual who caused your accident does not even have to be directly responsible in a physical sense. Instead, their negligence may have put into motion a string of events that eventually caused your injuries to occur.

Determining their involvement may take research and time, which the Orlando personal injury attorneys at Bogin, Munns & Munns will be happy to do. Over the years, we have worked with clients with virtually every injury imaginable, so we know what you are going through and how to deal with pushback from insurance companies.

We will do everything in our power to gather the evidence necessary to reveal the truth, which includes obtaining medical documents, speaking to eyewitnesses, bringing on experts to recreate the accident scene, having forensic evidence examined, and more.

To consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer serving Orlando, call 855-780-9986

Our Personal Injury Lawyers Will Establish Your Right to Financial Recovery

When our law firm represents you, our goal is to present a comprehensive evidence file to the at-fault party’s insurance company. Compelling evidence often means your case can be resolved with a settlement rather than a trial. Working with our personal injury law firm has benefits. 

On your behalf, we will:

  • Locate and interview witnesses while their memories are fresh
  • Canvass the accident scene and surrounding area for photos and videos
  • Accurately assess the financial value of your injuries and related expenses
  • Prove the at-fault party’s negligence or prove there are multiple liable parties
  • Handle all case-related verbal, written, and virtual communications

The final decision to accept an offered settlement is always yours to make. Our team will field all settlement offers and weigh their pros and cons so that you can make a well-informed decision.

If we cannot reach an agreeable settlement, we will represent you in court and help you continue to fight for the compensation you need and deserve. Our goal is to obtain the best settlement offer for you so that you can start putting your life back together.

We Will Review Your Case and Represent You at No Cost

When our consultation team reviews your case, we will listen to your version of events with compassion and empathy. We may ask questions to understand important details of your case and will explain its merits and our recommended next steps.

After we agree on representation, our team will:

  • Prepare a compelling evidence file
  • Absorb all court, filing, and investigative fees
  • Investigate your accident and prove liability
  • Negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurer
  • Represent you in court, if necessary

None of these actions will cause you to incur any expenses. Instead, we will fight for you on a contingency fee basis. This means our fee is contingent on the compensation we recover for you, and we only get compensated when you do.

Orlando Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me 855-780-9986

Types of Damages You Can Seek in an Orlando Personal Injury Case

No matter how your accident took place, even if you are not sure who was truly responsible for your injuries, our team of attorneys will work to reveal the truth in a court of law. The compensation awarded in these cases can be for many types of loss, pain, suffering, and inconvenience, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Motor vehicle repairs
  • Loss of wages or job
  • Mental anguish, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, strained relationships, loss of passions, depression, and more
  • Physical suffering, such as chronic pain, disfigurement, scarring, impaired movement, and paralysis
  • Wrongful death
  • Changes in quality of life
  • Medical bills and associated costs, including hospital bills and medication
  • Future economic losses and medical expenses
  • Future anguish, pain, and stress

Accurately evaluating all of your damages is crucial. If you and the insurance company settle for an amount that you later learn didn’t include all of the damages you sustained, that can lead to lots of issues down the line, and it may be impossible to get further compensation. We can review all of the damages you sustained and ensure all of them get factored into your settlement so you can avoid a situation like this.

Click to contact our personal injury lawyers today

Types of Cases an Orlando Personal Injury Attorney Handle

Our lawyers in Orlando can handle several types of personal injury cases. The following list includes some of the most common:

  • Automobile accidents: A negligent driver causes a motor vehicle accident that injures another driver or pedestrian. Orlando’s busy highways, like I-4, and constant construction in the downtown areas or near UCF make roads a hazard for locals and visitors alike.
  • Truck accidents: Congested and busy highways and city roads can spell disaster for motorists when they get into an accident with commercial vehicles.
  • Pedestrian accidents, scooter collisions, and bicycle accidents: Pedestrian, scooter, and bicycle accidents are common in Orlando, especially in densely populated or tourist-heavy areas. Massive roads, awkward intersections from highway off ramps, inexperienced drivers or drivers unfamiliar with the area all pose a risk to these vulnerable road users. People living downtown or near various colleges in the area may encounter these severe accidents regularly.
  • Motorcycle accidents: Many people choose to ride motorcycles in Orlando for convenience and cost, but negligent drivers can cause bikers to suffer catastrophic injuries or even death.
  • Boating accidents: There are many lakes in Orlando and the surrounding areas, and negligent boaters or rental companies can cause severe injuries.
  • Premises liability accidents: A premises owner knowingly allows a dangerous condition to persist. This can involve slip and fall accidents, swimming pool injuries, and negligent security at local parks, hotels, universities, theaters, and restaurants.
  • Defective products: A product manufacturer knowingly releases a flawed or defective product that may harm the purchaser.
  • Workplace accidents: Including lack of training or safety standards, heavy machinery accidents, and long-term exposure to dangerous chemicals. Slip and fall accidents can also occur during work hours.
  • Medical malpractice cases: A doctor’s negligent actions fall below a reasonable standard of care and harm their patient.
  • Dog bites: According to Florida Statutes § 767.04, Florida is a “strict liability” state, which means that dog owners are legally responsible and liable for any of the injuries caused if their dog bites or harms someone. Whether you were walking around the Milk District or around lake Eola, we can help fight back against negligent dog owners.

If you got injured in a situation where you believe that another party’s negligence was the cause, our Orlando personal injury lawyers will help you explore all of the legal options you have surrounding your case.

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Common Injuries in Orlando Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases take many forms, and the injuries may vary significantly between victims. Accidents such as car crashes, heavy machinery malfunctions, medical malpractice, and more can all be considered personal injury cases. They all may carry a wholly unique set of injuries. 

However, even the simplest of accidents, such as a slip and fall accident on a wet bathroom floor, can cause just as much damage as an auto accident under the right circumstances. Common injuries seen in personal injury cases include:

  • Whiplash, which is common in motor vehicle accidents
  • Broken bones
  • Bruising and lacerations
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries (SCIs), which may result in paralysis or a loss of motor function
  • Lost limbs
  • Burns
  • Certain diseases, such as lung cancer from long-term exposure to toxic substances like asbestos or other chemical hazards
  • Mental illness from head injuries or overall trauma

Statute of Limitations in Orlando Injury Cases

You have two years to file a lawsuit under Florida law per Florida Statutes § 95.11. When you choose to hire an Orlando personal injury attorney, you are choosing to bring on a legal professional to assist in your personal injury claim and help you fight for the compensation you are rightfully entitled to receive.

While no personal injury cases are guaranteed to pay out, a lawyer can help give you peace of mind knowing that somebody is on your team moving forward.

Orlando Personal Injury Lawyers in Your Corner

Here at Bogin, Munns & Munns, we put our client’s needs above all else. But at the end of the day, we just want to make a difference in our communities on a personal level. We believe that by protecting an accident victim’s right to compensation, we are helping stand up for those who need it most during a very trying time.

The way we see it, nobody has the right to put you in harm’s way and take you away from the life you worked so hard to have. For more information about how we will fight for your right to compensation, contact us today for your injury claim consultation.

Call or text 855-780-9986 or submit our Consultation Request form today

Office Information

Bogin, Munns & Munns, P.A.
1000 Legion Place, Suite 1000
Orlando, Florida 32801
Office Hours
M-F8:30 AM5:30 PM
Phone Support Hours
M-Su8:00 AM10:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the ER, Urgent Care or your doctor as soon as possible.  Quite often injuries suffered in motor vehicle accidents do not become apparent until the day after or even several days later.  Sometimes adrenaline and shock covers the pain until some time has passed.  Even if you got checked immediately after the accident, you should see a doctor for these new pains.  They might give the doctor reason to examine you more extensively than previously expected.  Just because it may have taken a couple days to feel any pain, that does not mean you are any less entitled to compensation for your injuries.  If you have yet to do so, contact a personal injury attorney and they can help you review your case.

Chapter 7: This is known as “liquidation” or a “straight” bankruptcy.  It is used to eliminate debts such as medical bills and credit card debt (which are unsecured), and certain taxes.  Some personal property may be protected from creditors by filing Chapter 7, and can be filed by either individuals or businesses. Chapter 11: This type of bankruptcy is known as “reorganization.”  All debts (including loans, taxes, rent, and equipment payments) are discharged by Chapter 11.  It can be filed by individuals or businesses, with the benefit of the business being able to remain operational while the reorganization is in progress. Chapter 12: Specially tailored for family farmers and fishermen, this type of bankruptcy is a personal or corporate repayment plan.  Chapter 12 allows the business to remain operational while the debt is paid off over time, and attempts to keep the operation from having to liquidate assets. Chapter 13: Also known as “debt adjustment,” Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a repayment plan for individuals and sole proprietorships with regular income.  It allows for debts to be paid off over time while helping avoid foreclosure or repossession of vehicles or property.  Even debts such as child support, mortgages, and money owed to the IRS are included in this method of repayment.

Despite common belief, there are certain instances when student loans are dischargeable in bankruptcy.  For more information, contact a bankruptcy attorney today.

Probate is the administration process performed by the court when handling an estate on behalf of a deceased party. The state looks at the assets left by the deceased and creates an inventory which will be used for tax purposes and distribution to any beneficiaries. The state of Florida has two types of probate administration: Formal and Summary.



Request a Consultation

Request a consultation by filling out the form below, or call us at 855.780.9986. We have over a dozen offices located in Orlando and across Central Florida. We’re happy to answer any of your questions.