Meet Justin M. Brick our featured attorney of the week.
I began my legal career as a legal assistant at an estate planning and probate-focused law firm in Longwood. Upon passing the Florida Bar, I was hired on as an associate attorney. After a couple years the economy changed and I was faced with the decision of hanging my own shingle or continuing to work at the Longwood firm. Having always wanted to be my own boss, I decided to start my own law firm, focused on estate planning and probate. During this time I discovered my interest in real estate matters and have gradually increased my percentage of cases in real estate-related matters. After a few yearsit was best for my family and me to leverage my knowledge with a larger firm, so I began working at a firm in Mount Dora. It was while there that I became more acquainted with real estate. We had some complicated probate and estate planning cases as well. From there I briefly worked at a firm in Clermont, and from that firm to BMM.
The attention I pay to detail is my greatest strength as an attorney. The word used to describe me I have most heard from clients is “thorough.” I pride myself on my work product, and believe that taking the time to word things right, especially in the wills and trusts arena, pays dividends down the line.
If I had to put my finger on it, I’d say I became a lawyer because of the fact that the law touches every aspect of society, which is to say whatever field I am or become interested in, there is going to be a need for lawyers. That fact, coupled with my strength being in reading and writing as opposed to math, is what helped me make the decision to become a lawyer.
Helping a client out of a negative situation in his/her life is the best part of my job. The relief you see in your client when the tenant is evicted their landlord/tenant matter is resolved successfully, or when the probate is over, or when the estate plan is signed, is what brings me back to work every day. I also enjoy being a “go to” person for my clients; even if I’m not the right lawyer for their situation, I want my clients to feel they can discuss any situation with me and know that if I am not the right lawyer for them that I will at the very least point them in the right direction.
To consult with an experienced estate planning / probate lawyer today
If I didn’t practice law, I would you have pursued a career as a Geologist. The intersection of science and being outdoors is what led me to pursue a career in geology. However, during my undergraduate studies I “ran into” calculus II and discovered that being a geologist often involved complex math equations, especially when dealing with contaminant hydrogeology (a course I took in undergrad), and I found I was not up to the task. It is then that I realized my interests had to lay elsewhere.
I grew up in Philadelphia, PA and root for all of the Philly sports teams. I have recently gotten into indoor rowing and believe it is the best bang-for-your-buck work out. I was blessed to go to Presidential Classroom as a junior in high school. I spent a week at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. with other high school juniors and seniors where we learned about the federal government’s role in our society, met our state’s Senators, and toured the US Capital Building and the FBI Training Academy. It was a week I will never forget.
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