THE VILLAGES – Mail call!
Sharp-eyed residents of The Villages will be sure to notice a new but soon-to-be familiar face in this December’s print edition of their monthly magazine, The Villages Neighbors! Estate Planning and Probate attorney Katherine A. Barski will be featured in this month’s Contributing Voices section with her new article, “Estate Planning for Pets.”
While the idea may seem quaint to some, the idea of a pet as a member of the family is no longer so unique. With that in mind, Ms. Barski discusses some common challenges to insuring your pet’s livelihood through the entirety of its life. Options and considerations include trusts and how to structure them so that expenses will be handled responsibly.
Ms. Barksi notes –
Pet trusts are now a viable alternative in Florida for such planning and provide pet lovers with peace of mind that comes from knowing one’s pet will be loved and cared for throughout its life.
And before you think, “But I don’t have pets,” Ms. Barski provides estate planning advice for setting up your own trust and tips regarding the safe transfer of your property from yourself to your loved ones.
Keep an eye on those mailboxes, folks!
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