Youth is the time when we learn from our mistakes. So often, it is harmless fun when kids play silly pranks on friends. But unfortunately, it can go too far, and kids can find trouble with the law.
As a parent, you want to protect your child. You worry about their future, their education, and keeping them safe. Yes, you want them to learn from their mistakes and amend their actions, but you also want them to continue living and following their dreams.
A Titusville juvenile crime lawyer from Bogin, Munns & Munns can help you understand your legal rights and decide how best to help your child.
Help! Mom and Dad, I’m in Jail!
These are words that no mother or father wants to hear in the middle of the night. Panic sets in as you struggle to figure out how to protect your child from further harm. If your son or daughter was recently arrested or found themselves in trouble with the law in Florida, you may be wondering what the best course of action is for helping your child.
Part of growing up involves making mistakes. Sometimes, these mistakes can lead to consequences you can’t change. For example, a teen texting while driving may be involved in a severe accident that takes a life. These mistakes are life-altering, whether they are intentional or not.
Juvenile Offenses Are Serious
Your child could be facing severe consequences for their actions. Even if they are in juvenile court and charged with a juvenile offense, the truth is that it can impact their reputation for life.
In Florida, the juvenile justice system has some differences from the regular criminal justice system to protect and reform troubled youth, but that doesn’t mean it is more lenient or that your child cannot be transferred to an adult court.
If protecting your child is your number-one priority, defending your child with representation by a Titusville juvenile crime lawyer like those at Bogin, Munns & Munns. Our attorneys handle all aspects of criminal defense cases in Florida.
To consult with an experienced juvenile crime lawyer serving Titusville
The Juvenile Justice System
Don’t let the term “juvenile” mislead you. Thousands of juveniles are booked into juvenile facilities on felony charges, referred to adult courts, and sentenced to time in adult prisons every year. These records remain with them for life. So, you should never take charges against your child lightly.
Helping Your Child Understand Their Rights
If your child has been accused of committing a crime, as a parent, you should understand that even under the juvenile justice system, everyone has certain rights.
For example, the United States Constitution declares that everyone has the right “to remain silent” and “to be represented by an attorney,” as shown under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments.
It is critical as parents to ensure your children understand they have these essential rights and can exercise them without fear of repercussions. For example, as a parent, you can tell investigators that your child will not speak with anyone until an attorney is present.
When you speak to your child, tell them that they should not answer any questions from the investigating officers. They should state they are invoking their rights under the Fifth and the Sixth Amendments and remaining silent until their lawyer is present.
Florida’s Juvenile Justice System
Florida has a comprehensive juvenile justice system. The number of youth it encounters each year accounts for the extensive facilities and youth centers. The state has various programs to help work with youth who want to make better choices. Your attorney can help you understand the details of the system and the best options for your child.
The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice reported there were 19,086 youth arrested in Florida for delinquency during the fiscal year of 2020-2021. Felonies made up 45.9% of these arrests, and 53.6% were for “against-person offenses,” such as sexual battery, murder or attempted murder, aggravated assault, and armed robbery.
What If My Child Is Tried as an Adult?
One of the reasons you should seek an attorney for your child is to obtain legal help to prevent your child from being tried as an adult.
The Juvenile Justice Information Exchange reports that Florida sent more than 13,000 children to adult court between 2009 and 2019. The way the law is written, prosecutors can choose to recommend that a child is tried as an adult, and the judge has to accept that recommendation. There is no recourse against a prosecutor who makes an overzealous decision to win a case.
Are you willing to risk having your child tried as an adult?
Titusville Juvenile Crime Lawyer Near Me
How a Criminal Defense Attorney Helps
When you choose to have a criminal defense attorney at Bogin, Munns & Munns represent your child, we can help you protect your children’s goals and dreams for their future and the hopes you have for them. As your representative, we’ll work to help you maintain that hope. Here’s how:
- As your child’s representative, we will ensure their rights are fully protected.
- Our team will gather evidence to defend your child to the best of our ability.
- If needed, we can represent your child in a court case.
- We can negotiate to reduce any fines incurred from the case.
- Our attorneys will work carefully to limit or eliminate any sentencing, jail, or probation.
- We can work to seal or expunge records to protect your child’s future.
How Can You Best Help Your Child?
You are worried, and rightfully so. All the hopes and dreams you have for your child are flashing before your eyes. The best way to help your child is to have a solid support system.
When you work with a Titusville juvenile crime lawyer at Bogin, Munns & Munns, you are equipping your child with all the tools they need to get through this challenging situation and come out stronger on the other side.
Let’s collaborate to ensure your child can stay on track to achieving their dreams. Contact us today to discuss your case.
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