After a drunk driving accident in Titusville, you could be entitled to financial compensation from the negligent driver. Proving the at-fault driver was under the influence can be challenging on your own. When you trust our Titusville drunk driving accident lawyer with your case, we take on the task of proving your right to compensation.
At Bogin, Munns & Munns, we handle all the details of building your case starting with a free review of its merits. We will review your case for free, listen to your version of the events that led to the accident, and explain our compensation recovery strategy. Our legal team will also help you build a strong case file and ensure your case is filed on time.
Compensation for Drunk Driving Accident Victims in Titusville
When we represent you, our goal is to obtain the best possible financial outcome for you. We will obtain evidence that proves the monetary value of your case, according to Florida Statutes § 768.81.
Our Titusville car accident attorney will work with you to create a detailed list of your recoverable damages. We will make sure your case is not undervalued or underpaid.
Recoverable Economic Damages
The economic or financial damages you can recover after an accident include past, current, and future lost income and medical expenses. It also includes in-home medical and domestic support and treatment-related travel expenses.
We also obtain compensation for your damaged or destroyed vehicle. These costs have a documented value and are typically supported with bills, estimates, and receipts.
Recoverable Non-Economic Damages
The non-economic or non-financial damages you can recover after the accident include ongoing pain and suffering for the physical trauma caused by the accident.
It also includes compensation for the resulting mental and emotional trauma. We also assign a value to lasting physical disabilities and disfigurement. These damages are documented with your medical records, prognosis, and your description of the accident’s toll on your life and lifestyle.
Wrongful Death Compensation
If someone you love was fatally injured by a drunk driver, you have our most heartfelt condolences. You also have our support in seeking wrongful death compensation for your family.
Wrongful death damages can include your loved one’s funeral and burial expenses and your family’s loss of their financial input. They also include loss of consortium, society, guidance, and support.
Our Titusville drunk driving accident lawyer will ensure your wrongful death action is filed on time and by the appropriate family members. In most cases, this includes the loved one’s parents, spouse, and children.
To consult with an experienced drunk driving accident lawyer serving Titusville
Bogin, Munns & Munns Will Clarify the Timeline of Your Case
Like all civil lawsuits, you must comply with the statute of limitations to pursue damages in court. In Florida, you have two years from the date of your accident to take this legal action. In the event that you have to file a wrongful death lawsuit for a loved one, the two-year window starts form the date of death.
When our Titusville drunk driving accident lawyer handles your case, we make sure it is filed within the allotted time. Additional factors make it beneficial to get our team involved in your case right from the start.
We can speak to witnesses while their memories are fresh and canvass the accident scene for photos and videos. We can also address exceptions to the statute of limitations and ensure your case is filed on time.
Our Fee Structure Supports the Statute of Limitations
Because your time to seek compensation is limited, the sooner you put our team to work, the better. Our fee structure makes it easy to get started right away. In lieu of traditional fees and retainers, we receive a percentage of your financial award. We cover any upfront costs including:
- Documentation
- Court filing fees
- Expert consultations
- Accident reconstruction
We never stop fighting for you or the compensation you are entitled to recover. You will owe us no legal fees at all if your case does not result in a financial award.
Our Law Firm Will Take On the Hard Work of Building Your Personal Injury Case
Investigating, proving, and preparing your personal injury case is a huge undertaking. You do not have to take it on without legal guidance and support. When our law firm is on your side, we will:
- Investigate your accident
- Collect compelling evidence
- Assess your financial damages
- Communicate on your behalf
- Canvass for photos and video footage
- Clarify legal and insurance terminology
- Respond to all questions and concerns
- Provide ongoing updates on your case
- Negotiate a favorable monetary settlement
- Represent you in court, if necessary
When you trust us with your personal injury case, our legal team does everything necessary to recover compensation for you. Our goal is to ensure your recovery costs are recouped and you have the opportunity to start putting your life back together.
How We Prove Negligence and Liability
To pursue the at-fault driver, the state requires proof of their negligence. When we handle your case, we will document the following elements of negligence.
Our evidence will show the driver owed you a duty of care. We will also prove their intoxication breached their duty and caused your accident. We also prove their negligence caused financial damages for you.
Evidence We Collect to Strengthen Your Case
We document the at-fault driver’s condition at the time of the accident with proof of their blood alcohol concentration and driving history. Additional evidence we collect for you includes:
- Car accident report
- Investigative notes
- Medical records
- Medical bills
- Proof of employment
- Accident scene photos
- Necessary medications
- Injury photos
- Witness statements
We also canvass the accident scene and surrounding area for residential and commercial security camera footage. Leave evidence collection to us while you focus on your physical and emotional recovery.
Titusville Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Near Me
Call Our Drunk Driving Accident Case Review Team Now
If you or someone you love were injured in a drunk driving accident in Titusville, Florida, our personal injury lawyer will help you seek compensation. We will review the details of your case, prove your right to recover damages, and negotiate a favorable settlement.
Find out how by contacting our case review team at Bogin, Munns & Munns to get started today.
Call or Submit Our Consultation Request Form Today