If you or a loved one suffered injuries at a nursing home in The Villages, the team at Bogin, Munns & Munns is ready to help. We will work as hard as we can to reach the settlement you deserve for your pain, suffering, and medical costs.
For a victim of abuse in a nursing home, it does not matter whether the abuser was a caregiver, a nurse, another resident, or a visitor to the facility. In any of these cases, the nursing home should have done more to protect your loved one from any threat. When you hire us, we will seek compensation from the nursing home and any other third party involved.
What Kind of Compensation Is Available in a Nursing Home Abuse Case?
Potential forms of compensation in nursing home abuse cases might include:
- Past and future medical expenses associated with your loved one’s injuries
- Past and future pain and suffering
- Loss of quality of life
Depending on the specific aspects of your case, you may qualify for other forms of compensation.
We Can Calculate What Fair Compensation Would Look Like
As nursing home abuse lawyers, we can calculate fair compensation in your case based on a number of factors. The amount you could win will depend on the facts in the case.
Items that will affect your settlement amount include:
- The level of neglect or abuse that occurred
- The extent of your injuries
- Whether your injuries will affect your life going forward
- The extent to which you are able to enjoy everyday activities
- The extent to which you can care for yourself
- Level of pain you had immediately after the accident
- Level of ongoing pain you will have
- Costs of medical care that you received before the settlement
- An estimate of costs for the ongoing medical care you will need after the settlement
At Bogin, Munns & Munns, we have won many judgments for our clients in nursing home abuse situations over the years. Some settlements involved several thousand dollars, while others involved six-figure amounts. Your potential settlement will depend on factors unique to your case.
To consult with an experienced nursing home abuse lawyer serving The Villages
We Can Help You Determine Whether Abuse Occurred
For a victim of abuse in a nursing home, it does not matter whether the abuser was a caregiver, a nurse, another resident, or a visitor to the facility. In any of these cases, the nursing home should have done more to protect your loved one from any threat.
When you hire us, we can seek compensation from the nursing home and any other third party involved.
Investigating a Report of Abuse
When you hire us to represent you in a nursing home abuse case, we can thoroughly investigate the case to see what happened. We will interview witnesses, study the facility’s employment reports, look at any video of the incident, and speak with doctors to obtain the facts.
We do not back down when the administration of the nursing home tries to sweep abuse situations under the rug. We stand up for the rights of victims. No one should have to suffer preventable injuries at a nursing home.
How to Spot Signs of Abuse in Nursing Homes
You may be unsure whether your loved one’s reports of abuse are truthful, especially if your loved one has dementia or another condition that affects behavior and memory.
To help you determine whether abuse is occurring to your loved one, it can be helpful to look for certain signs. Even if your loved one refuses to discuss the potential abuse out of fear or embarrassment, looking for these signs can help you discover what is happening.
Some of the signs to look for, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), include:
- Physical abuse: This may include unexplained cuts, bruises, burns, and other signs of physical force
- Emotional abuse: This may include acting withdrawn or showing fear around certain people at the facility
- Sexual abuse: This may include bruising or bleeding around the genitals or torn clothing
The Villages Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Near Me
We Will Negotiate with the Insurer on Your Behalf
When you choose to bring a personal injury case against the nursing home to try to receive compensation, the insurance company representing the facility will take over the case. If your injuries are severe and if the compensation amount could be significant, the insurer will have multiple lawyers and adjusters on its side.
We Can File a Personal Injury Lawsuit on Your Behalf
Count on us to stand up to the insurance company lawyers when they try to present aspects of the case that simply are not true. We will stick to the facts to show why you deserve the settlement amount we are requesting.
We will negotiate with the insurance company to try to reach a fair settlement. However, if the insurer refuses to listen to the facts or does not negotiate in good faith, we are more than willing to present your side of the story in a trial.
Call Bogin, Munns & Munns for Help
Call us as soon as possible at (352) 391-6031 for a free consultation. You deserve to spend time helping your loved one heal from their injuries. You can leave the legal battle for fair compensation to us.
Time to file a lawsuit may be limited, so call as soon as possible. Learn more about how hard our law firm fights for you by contacting one of our team members today.
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