Have you been arrested on criminal charges in Osceola County? Are you wondering how your life is going to be affected if you are convicted of the allegations against you? Are you ready to take steps to clear your name and protect your future?
If so, a St. Cloud pretrial diversion lawyer at Bogin, Munns & Munns could help you work with the prosecuting attorney to secure a pretrial diversion program. Don’t let the second chance pass you by.
Our Osceola County Pretrial Diversion Lawyer Can Help
Pretrial diversion programs in Florida are based on the county you live in. When you are charged with a criminal offense in St. Cloud, you may be eligible for a pretrial diversion program in Osceola County. This is referred to as the County Diversion Program (CDP).
Your pretrial diversion lawyer at our firm can negotiate with the state’s prosecuting attorney to get you into the program. Having a criminal defense lawyer with a strong relationship with the judge and prosecuting attorneys can go a long way in helping you avoid the devastating impact of a criminal conviction.
To consult with an experienced pretrial diversion lawyer serving St. Cloud
What Is a Pretrial Diversion Program?
CDP programs in St. Cloud may be available to individuals who are first-time, non-violent offenders. When you enter a pretrial diversion program, the criminal charges against you can be dropped once you meet the terms of your agreement.
Generally, conditions of CDP programs in Osceola County include:
- Court fees
- Meetings with a probation officer
- Court-ordered mental health counseling
- Court-ordered drug or alcohol treatment
- Court-ordered anger management
- Community service hours
- Random drug or alcohol testing
Your St. Cloud pretrial diversion lawyer at our firm will work out the terms of the CDP agreement with the prosecuting attorney to meet your specific needs. In doing so, once you meet the terms of the program, the charges against you will be reduced or dismissed altogether. This way, you can avoid a difficult trial and conviction that could have a significant impact on your life for years to come.
Benefits of Pretrial Diversion
The benefits of pretrial diversion programs in St. Cloud are undeniable. Although you cannot change that you were arrested and charged with an offense, a pretrial diversion program gives you the opportunity to put this experience behind you with few future consequences.
Some of the top benefits of pretrial diversion programs in Osceola County include:
- Avoiding a guilty verdict
- Reducing the stress associated with your charges
- Reducing the costs of defending yourself at trial
- Getting your arrest record expunged once you have completed the terms of your CDP program
- The chance to get the medical treatment or mental health counseling you need
St. Cloud Pretrial Diversion Lawyer Near Me
Who Qualifies for Pretrial Diversion in St. Cloud?
Although pretrial diversion programs in St. Cloud can seem like the best-case scenario, unfortunately, not everyone will qualify. According to Florida Statute § 948.08, anyone who has not been convicted of a violent offense, first-time offenders, or individuals facing misdemeanor or third-degree felony charges may be eligible for a pretrial diversion program. For example, people with charges of grand theft, petit theft, and assault can qualify for this program.
However, before you can do so, the state’s prosecuting attorney, your judge, and any victims in your case must agree to your participation in a CDP program. If you have concerns you may not be eligible for pretrial diversion in St. Cloud, or if you are interested in learning more about this option, do not hesitate to call our firm.
What Happens If You Violate Your Pretrial Diversion Agreement?
Being accused of violating the terms of your pretrial diversion agreement could be devastating to your case. Typically, once you are accused of failing to adhere to the requirements of your CDP, the courts have the authority to remove you from the program entirely.
Any progress you made will have been lost. You will be subject to the same criminal charges you were facing before your CDP program. If you are convicted, the penalties of a conviction will haunt you for the rest of your life. Some common penalties associated with criminal convictions in St. Cloud include:
- Incarceration in a county jail or state prison
- Exorbitant fines and fees
- Completion of a drug or alcohol treatment program
- Being required to register as a sex offender
- Community service
- Probation or parole requirements
If convicted, it is not only the criminal penalties you need to be worried about. Collateral consequences can have a substantial impact on your life. Examples of collateral consequences you could face if you are found guilty of a crime in St. Cloud include:
- Immigration or citizenship issues
- Trouble with child custody or visitation
- Loss of firearm rights
- Temporary loss of voting rights
- Disqualification from federal student aid eligibility
- Housing restrictions
- Difficulty finding or retaining a job
- Suspension or revocation of your driver’s license
- Suspension or revocation of professional licenses
A Pretrial Diversion Program Could Be in Your Best Interests
With the consequences of a conviction so severe, it is essential you prepare a compelling defense to clear your name of the allegations against you. Entering a pretrial diversion program or CDP may be your best opportunity to avoid the fallout of the conviction.
Your attorney from Bogin, Munns & Munns can analyze the circumstances of your case to determine how to best approach your defense strategy. However, if you are eligible and qualify for a pretrial diversion program, this is likely your best opportunity to put the charges and your arrest behind you.
Click to contact our St. Cloud Pretrial Diversion Lawyers today
Connect with our St. Cloud Pretrial Diversion Lawyer Today
Pretrial diversion programs may not be available for every person charged with a criminal offense in Osceola County.
Find out whether you qualify and how to best approach your defense strategy when you speak with a pretrial diversion lawyer at Bogin, Munns & Munns. Fill out our secure contact form or call us for your confidential case review with a team member.
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