Everyone deserves to be able to do their job in a safe, comfortable environment. When you are being sexually harassed, your work life can quickly spiral out of control. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at work, you have legal options to seek justice.
To seek justice in Orlando for sexual harassment at work, you can file a sexual harassment claim or lawsuit. An Orlando sexual harassment attorney can assist you by examining your case and determining the next steps. You may be able to recover financial compensation for the harassment you have suffered.
Understanding Sexual Harassment Laws in Florida
It is illegal to persistently sexually harass someone at work, which is to engage in unwanted behavior of a sexual nature toward an individual. Constant flirting with someone who has asked the person to stop or purposely finding ways to inappropriately touch someone without his or her consent are types of sexual harassment. This type of behavior is more than annoying—it can create a hostile working environment for the victim.
You can file a claim or lawsuit against someone who has harassed you and obtain damages for what you have been through. If your employer was in any way involved in the harassment behavior, or if they failed to take steps to prevent this behavior when they were warned of its existence, they could be liable for damages as well.
To consult with an experienced sexual harassment lawyer serving Orlando
Types of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual harassment can take many forms. If you believe you are being sexually harassed, a lawyer can examine your situation to determine whether you have an actionable case.
Sexual harassment can be verbal, physical, cyber, or quid pro quo. If you are unsure whether what you experienced is sexual harassment, look through the following examples to learn more about what sexual harassment in the workplace can look like.
Verbal Sexual Harassment
Harassment can be verbal, which means the sexual behavior does not involve touching but rather a repetitive verbal onslaught of harassment. Here are some examples of verbal sexual harassment:
- Verbal requests for sex, whether joking or not
- Excessive and unwanted flirting
- Sexual innuendo or inappropriate jokes
- Discussing sexual behaviors in front of someone else
- Repeatedly asking someone to go out with them even though they declined
Physical Sexual Harassment
Physical sexual harassment typically involves touching someone in a sexual way or any unwanted touching. For instance, if someone repeatedly massages your shoulders without your consent, that behavior could be considered physical sexual harassment.
Here are additional examples of physical sexual harassment:
- Crude or sexual gestures
- Kissing someone without their consent
- Unwanted touching, caressing, fondling, etc.
- Purposely brushing up against someone’s body
- Leering/gazing suggestively
- Hugging a person without their consent
Cyber Sexual Harassment
A newer type of sexual harassment in the workplace involves digital or cyber harassment. This is when a person uses digital means to sexually harass someone. For example, when someone calls you over to show you something sexual or inappropriate on his or her computer.
Below are a few more examples of cyber harassment:
- Texting or direct messaging someone images or words of a sexual nature
- Displaying sexual content on a computer or phone knowing the victim will see them
- Sending someone emails of sexual content
- Using any digital channels to expose someone to sexual harassment
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
Quid pro quo sexual harassment at work is when a person requests sexual acts or favors in exchange for something. For example, if your boss asks you to perform a sexual act in exchange for a promotion you’ve been after.
No matter what type of sexual harassment you’ve experienced and in what form it came in, you have the right to seek damages for what has happened to you.
Negative Impact of Sexual Harassment on Victims
Being sexually harassed can cause significant damage to the victim’s life. They can be negatively impacted on an emotional, mental, physical, and even financial level. Some victims experience physical violence in addition to sexual harassment. Some may lose their job in an effort to escape the harassment, they could be fired if they refuse to provide quid pro quo sexual favors.
Victims may need mental health treatment to overcome the trauma. They could be impacted financially due to missed career opportunities or being forced to transfer away from the perpetrator.
Orlando Sexual Harassment Lawyer Near Me
How Can a Lawyer Help with Your Sexual Harassment Case?
If you experienced sexual harassment at your Orlando job, you may be wondering what steps to take next. An Orlando sexual harassment lawyer can help you to explore your legal options by:
- Examining your case to determine a course of action.
- Gathering evidence needed to prove your case, such as text messages, interviews with coworkers, or photo evidence.
- Filing your claim or lawsuit depending on your situation.
- Handling all legal documentation and paperwork on your behalf.
- Protecting your best interests and helping you to understand the legal process.
- Seeking justice and financial compensation on your behalf.
Secure Legal Representation for a Sexual Harassment Case
If you are experiencing sexual harassment at your workplace, you can seek damages through a sexual harassment claim against all liable parties. The perpetrator can be held accountable for unwanted sexual behavior. Your employer could also be liable if they allowed a hostile work environment.
At Bogin, Munns & Munns, we have won millions of dollars in damages for our clients. For over forty years we have helped our clients get the justice they are after. Do not hesitate to reach out to our firm today to schedule a consultation.
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