When you suffer a slip and fall, the consequences can be traumatic. You should not have to suffer the weight of your losses alone when a negligent property or business owner is to blame. Let an Orange City slip and fall lawyer advocate for compensation on your behalf.
At Bogin, Munns & Munns, Orange City personal injury lawyer will review your case for free and look for evidence of negligence to support a personal injury claim. Contact our firm today to discuss your case.
How Slip and Falls Occur
You may be able to pursue a claim after a slip and fall, whether it occurred on public or private property. Many different circumstances can lead to a slip and fall, and though some individuals may have a heightened risk, many injury falls are preventable.
Property and business owners have a responsibility toward their visitors to ensure that the premises are free of any hazards that could cause someone to trip or slip. If this is not possible or an area is under repair, caution signs should be present to notify visitors of the danger.
If a potential hazard goes unaddressed, the owner could be liable for any resulting injuries. The following are examples of circumstances that could cause a slip and fall:
- An unlit stairwell
- Broken stairs, asphalt, or sidewalk
- Wet or slippery floors
- Uneven flooring
- An unlabelled step-up area
- Overgrown tree roots
The Dangers of a Slip and Fall
When a slip and fall does occur, it can have a wide range of effects on the victim. Not all falls result in severe injuries, but those that do can leave victims with lasting pain and discomfort.
Statements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that one in about every five slip and falls ends in a significant injury. Moreover, they are the most frequently cited reason for traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).
Slip and falls commonly result in one or more of the following:
- Hip fracture
- Broken wrist
- Twisted ankle
- Spinal cord injury
- Concussion
Some of these injuries can be difficult and costly to recover from. They can impact day-to-day functions and even lead to more serious complications. Should your injuries be due to the negligence of a property owner, there are steps you can take to hold them financially accountable. An Orange City slip and fall lawyer from Bogin, Munns & Munns may be able to assist you.
To consult with an experienced slip and fall accident lawyer serving Orange City
What You Can Do When Negligence Caused Your Slip and Fall
If a property or business owner neglected to maintain their premises or adequately warn you about a hazard, you can attempt to hold them liable for compensation after a slip and fall. To do so, you will need evidence of their negligence. Such evidence could include photographs from the scene that show the hazardous area and medical records proving the extent of your injuries.
If you are able to provide enough evidence, you may be able to pursue a claim for compensation. Recoverable losses in such a case may include losses and expenses such as your medical bills, wages missed while out of work, and pain and suffering, in some cases.
Florida Laws Affecting Slip and Fall Cases
Certain Florida statutes will have an impact on your case, including how long you have to take legal action. Florida laws may also affect the forms of losses you may be eligible to claim. A lawyer can help you understand these laws to ensure that your case is on track.
For example, like any personal injury case, slip and fall lawsuits must follow the deadline set by the statute of limitations. Under this law, you may have up to two years to file a lawsuit. You lose your right to pursue this court case once the deadline passes.
Due to Florida’s comparative negligence law, Florida Statutes § 768.81, the property owner or other responsible party may point some of the blame at you. Doing so could lower the amount of compensation you may receive if the judge rules that you played a significant role in your slip and fall. It will not necessarily disqualify you from receiving compensation.
If the idea of navigating these and other Florida laws related to your case is overwhelming, you need not worry. When you hire an Orange City slip and fall lawyer from Bogin, Munns & Munns, you can put your case in our hands and leave the heavy legal work to us. Interpreting and applying Florida statutes is just one of many tasks we take on for our clients.
Reach out today so we can get started with your free consultation.
Bogin, Munns & Munns Can Help
The aim of a personal injury attorney is to help make the claims process go as smoothly as possible for victims of negligence. When you hire a lawyer, you can leave much of the legal work to them while you heal and begin to move forward. Rather than investigating your case and speaking with the negligent party’s representation on your own, your lawyer can take on these responsibilities for you, along with:
- Collecting evidence of negligence
- Talking with experts to gain additional support for your claim
- Evaluating your losses to determine a case value
- Communicating with any third parties
- Filing the necessary paperwork
Bogin, Munns & Munns serves victims of negligence. Our team of lawyers understands how difficult it can be to recover from an injury while seeking compensation. We are ready to advocate on your behalf.
There is no need to put off your financial recovery—we can get started on your case right away if we believe there is evidence that negligence led to your injuries. Contact our office today and tell us about your slip and fall in a complimentary consultation.
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