Whether you are selling or purchasing residential real estate, a lawyer from our firm can help you. For many, these types of purchases and sales occur just a handful of times throughout the entirety of their lives. Because of that, buyers and sellers may feel as though they don’t have the proper knowledge or experience to ensure that their transaction is done with the utmost care.
At Bogin, Munns & Munns, our residential real estate attorneys have helped numerous clients manage their real estate transactions in a profitable manner, ensuring that all laws are being followed. Our team of lawyers has experience with Florida real estate law, which allows us to help you no matter what your situation. When you need an Ocala real estate lawyer, we can help.
What Does a Residential Real Estate Lawyer Do?
Real estate lawyers ensure that the transaction taking place is the one their client agreed to. They can represent anyone in the process, whether that be the buyer, the seller, the lender, or the renter.
No matter who you are in the transaction, there will be numerous legal documents to review in order for a sale or agreement to be made final. A real estate lawyer will ensure that their client is receiving the deal they agree to while also advising them on certain decisions.
Protecting Your Rights
By hiring a real estate lawyer, you ensure that your legal rights are protected and that there are no unforeseen issues with the contract you sign.
Because property transactions are not something that people do every day, there may be certain laws or rights that you are not aware of when you are signing paperwork. Yet, these types of purchases are often for the long term. Therefore, you will want to make sure that every loophole is found and repaired prior to signing any paperwork.
A Real Estate Lawyer is Not a Real Estate Agent
Real estate lawyers and real estate agents provide very different services to their clients. While real estate agents want to make sure that their clients get the best deal possible when buying or selling a house, they are also doing so because they earn a commission for successful transactions. Therefore, it is always in their best interest for a sale to take place.
That is not the case for real estate lawyers. Real estate lawyers can perform title searches and litigation, and they work on hourly rates, not commission. Therefore, they are not inclined to rush you into a deal that may not be the best for you and your family.
Even for simple transactions, it can be beneficial to have a real estate lawyer representing you to ensure that what you are being promised is what is actually in the contract.
To consult with an experienced residential real estate lawyer serving Ocala
Why Do You Need a Real Estate Lawyer?
In addition to having your rights protected, there are numerous reasons why you might want to hire a real estate lawyer.
Title Searches
Liens against a property can make you legally responsible for debts that you had nothing to do with incurring. Unfortunately, people sometimes make sales of their property in bad faith. When this happens, you could be the victim of a purchase that ultimately leads to more debt than you are willing to take on.
A lawyer’s expertise when conducting title searches can prove invaluable. By conducting a search of this nature, your lawyer is ensuring that you are agreeing to the deal that you thought you were. If any liens are found, then they can advise you on what to do next, sometimes even suggesting that you stop the deal altogether.
Reviewing Contracts
Real estate agents are qualified to fill out the basic paperwork that is present during a real estate transaction, but many do not have the legal knowledge necessary to ensure that contracts are thoroughly reviewed or followed when necessary. Additionally, a real estate lawyer can help you with certain contingencies that should be implemented into your contract.
Most contracts are executed “as is”, meaning that the property will be bought and sold in the condition it is in. Your real estate agent may be able to help implement provisions that work in your financial favor. However, a real estate lawyer can help you with more complex situations, ultimately leading to a better transaction for you.
On top of reviewing a contract, a real estate lawyer can ensure that there are no parts of the contract that could be left open to interpretation. Your lawyer can work to solidify any confusing language and make sure that everything is properly worded to reflect the deal at hand.
Handling Disputes
While real estate attorneys are adept at strengthening contracts and protecting you during transactions, they can also represent you in dealings with disputes, disagreements, or Home Owner’s Administration (HOA) issues. Here are some of the tasks we can handle for residential real estate clients:
- Representing you to condo boards
- Fighting or overseeing foreclosures
- Handling property line disagreements
- Settling disagreements with landlords or tenants
- Interpreting contracts and obligations set forth by the HOA
- Fighting for your rights in front of the HOA, including those pertaining to pets, fencing, building additions, and decorations
- Working through liability issues as a property owner or manager
- Orchestrating and implementing rent collection protocols
- Representing property owners with problematic tenants
- Helping property owners get more time to comply with coding citations
Whether you are a property owner, manager, tenant, or home owner, if you are struggling to settle a disagreement or comply with an organization’s demands–we are here to help.
Contact Bogin, Munns & Munns Today
Whether you are purchasing, selling, or renting residential property, there are certain items that you will want to make sure are in order before signing any paperwork. These transactions often include a lot of money exchanging hands, and it is important to ensure that you are treated fairly and completely understand everything expressed in the contract.
At Bogin, Munns & Munns, our team of lawyers can help you with your real estate transaction. We can assist you with closing documents, review your contract, and determine what contingencies you should ask for. If it is necessary for you to file a lawsuit, we can work on your behalf to prove that you are in the right and entitled to whatever you are not being provided. When you need an Ocala residential real estate lawyer, call or visit us online.
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