If you or someone you love was involved in an accident and accused of driving under the influence, our law firm could help you fight the charges you are facing. At Bogin, Munns & Munns, we work hard to ensure you get the best defense possible and the opportunity to start putting your life back together.
Our Kissimmee criminal DUI lawyer will conduct a comprehensive investigation into your case. We will interview witnesses, examine your police report, and review the circumstances of your arrest. We make sure you understand your rights, the state’s responsibility, and Florida and Kissimmee law. Our Kissimmee criminal defense attorneys also ensure you have an outstanding client service experience and get support from start to finish.
Criminal DUI Penalties You Could Face in Kissimmee, FL
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is always a crime in Florida. If you are arrested for DUI under certain circumstances, you could face even greater penalties. Many factors will determine the final penalty you face. According to Florida Statutes § 316.193, penalties can include:
- A first-time DUI conviction could result in up to six months of jail time and as much as $1,000 in financial penalties
- A second DUI conviction could result in up to nine months of incarceration and as much as $2,000 in financial penalties
- A third DUI conviction could result in up to a year in prison and as much as $5,000 in fines
If you are convicted of a felony such as DUI-related vehicular homicide, you could face substantially longer imprisonment and higher fines. In addition to these life-changing penalties, you will also incur additional costs to keep or regain your driver’s license. Our criminal DUI attorneys will help you understand the penalty phase of your case and prepare for your immediate and distant future.
Criminal DUI Penalties Can Vary Based on Many Factors
The state has sentencing guidelines in place to ensure fairness in sentencing anyone convicted of a crime. These sentencing guidelines are only one factor in determining how you could be penalized if convicted of DUI.
Additional factors that into your penalty can include:
- Your BAC at the time of your arrest
- The presence of a minor child
- Whether or not the DUI involved an accident
- Anything you say at the time of your arrest
- The number of previous DUI arrests or convictions
This final factor is one of the reasons we recommend saying nothing at all during or after your arrest beyond requesting an attorney. Once you do, police must stop questioning you and wait for your attorney to arrive.
Additional factors of your arrest could also provide us with the leverage we can use when building your defense or negotiating a plea deal on your behalf.
To consult with an experienced dui lawyer serving Kissimmee
Our Criminal DUI Lawyer Fights Hard to Minimize the Penalties You Face
According to Florida Statutes § 316.065, a police report must be generated for every car accident that causes bodily injuries or fatalities. If your criminal DUI arrest involved a car accident, we obtain a copy of this report to glean any information from it that supports your defense.
It may also contain erroneous information that gives us leverage in your case. Our criminal DUI lawyer representing clients in Kissimmee understands the importance of a solid defense plan. At Bogin, Munns & Munns, we work hard to develop the best possible defense strategy for you and to limit the penalties you face as much as possible.
Additional Benefits of Working With Our Kissimmee Criminal DUI Lawyer
When you turn to our criminal defense team for legal guidance and support with your case, we stop at nothing to defend you. To strengthen your case, we do all of the following on your behalf:
- Collect evidence that substantiates your version of events
- Search for dashcams, traffic cams, and other beneficial video footage
- Prove you do not pose a risk or threat to your community
- Fight for your release on bail while we build your case
- Examine the evidence the state has against you
If you maintain your innocence, we fight hard to prove it. Your future is important, and our law firm is passionate about helping you get the opportunity to start over. When you are ready to rebuild your future, we are ready to fight by your side.
Our Criminal DUI Lawyer Fights to Help You Retain or Regain Your License
Depending on the severity of the charges you are facing, one possible outcome could be the temporary or permanent loss of your driver’s license. If that happens in your case, it can be difficult to have your license reinstated on your own.
Additional consequences can include added transportation expenses, hearings, and other legal events to regain your license. Let our law firm handle your licensing situation for you. We know the loss of your license can bar you from many types of employment, so we stop at nothing to help you keep your driving privileges.
Criminal DUI Arrest or Conviction Can Take an Unexpected Toll on Your Life
Any arrest can have negative connotations that affect your personal and professional life. A DUI arrest with or without conviction can mean:
- A mark on subsequent background checks
- Enforced separation from your loved ones
- Ineligibility for certain forms of employment
- Loss of your current Florida driver’s license
You do not have to face these potentially costly consequences on your own. Our lawyer will help you get a fresh start that lets you start rebuilding your life.
Kissimmee DUI Lawyer Near Me
Review Your Case With Our Team Today
If you or a loved one was recently arrested after a DUI incident in Kissimmee that caused a serious accident or led to the demise of another person, your future could be in jeopardy. Our criminal DUI lawyer can help. We work hard to build the strongest possible defense for you and mitigate the state’s harshest criminal penalties.
Review the details of your recent arrest with our criminal defense team. Contact one of our team members at Bogin, Munns & Munns to get started today.
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