Hit-and-run accidents can cause property damage and severe injuries, especially when fleeing the scene delays medical treatment for the victims. These crashes can also leave those harmed wondering where to turn to recover their medical expenses and other collision-related losses.
A Daytona Beach car accident lawyer with Bogin, Munns & Munns can help you secure compensation from your auto insurance provider or take action against an at-fault party if possible in a hit-and-run collision. We will fight to protect your financial future, even if we cannot locate the driver who hurt you. Contact us today for a free consultation.
You Might Not Have to Pay Out of Pocket for a Daytona Beach, FL, Hit and Run
Even if the police never find the driver who caused your collision, you can seek financial compensation after the crash. Our Daytona Beach hit-and-run accident attorneys can help you secure damages with a no-fault insurance claim and explore other avenues for securing your losses.
We Can Seek a Settlement From Your Insurer
Florida is a no-fault insurance state, which means most motorists must carry a minimum of $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. According to Florida Statutes § 627.736, PIP provides the following benefits after an auto accident, regardless of fault for the collision:
- Medical benefits. PIP pays up to 80 percent of your covered medical expenses. Compensation may include the cost of emergency transportation, surgeries, hospital stays, physical therapy and rehabilitation, prosthetic devices, mobility aids, and nursing services.
- Disability benefits. If you cannot work due to injury, no-fault insurance will provide disability benefits up to 60 percent of your gross income and lost earning capacity. Your insurance will also pay for help with household services.
- Death benefits. If your loved one suffered a fatal car accident injury, PIP will pay $5,000 in death benefits in addition to medical and disability benefits.
Your no-fault insurance will compensate you only up to your policy’s limits. Your damages could exceed your coverage, or you could have damages PIP does not pay for. We can review your insurance policy to see if you have additional policies through which you can pursue a settlement, which may include the following:
- Uninsured/underinsured motorists (UM/UIM) protection. UM/UIM will usually pay for medical damages from a hit-and-run crash.
- Collision coverage. PIP insurance does not compensate for vehicle damages. We can seek the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle through your collision policy if you have one. Your lender likely requires this coverage if you owe on a car loan.
We Can Pursue Damages From a Liable Party
If law enforcement finds the driver responsible for your crash, we may be able to hold them financially accountable with a liability auto insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. If police cannot find the hit-and-run motorist, we can see if the accident’s circumstances warrant filing a claim against a third party, such as:
- A property owner
- A vehicle manufacturer
- Another involved driver who did not flee from the accident scene
You can step outside the no-fault system and seek damages from liable parties if you have severe injuries and medical costs that exceed your PIP coverage. A claim against an at-fault party will allow you to recover compensation for the following:
- Medical expenses, including treatments not covered under PIP
- The total value of your lost wages and lost earning potential, not just 60 percent
- Vehicle and personal property damages
- Physical pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Emotional distress
- Loss of consortium
- Impaired or lost quality of life
- Wrongful death, including funeral and burial costs that exceed your PIP death benefit, loss of your loved one’s support, services, and companionship, and survivors’ mental pain and suffering
When you work with Bogin, Munns & Munns, we give your case our focused attention. We strive to treat clients like family and support them at every stage. Call us today to learn how we can put over 40 years of legal experience behind getting full and fair compensation for your hit-and-run accident claim.
To consult with an experienced hit and run accident lawyer serving Daytona Beach
Our Daytona Beach Hit-and-Run Lawyers Will Fight for Maximum Compensation
When seeking compensation from your insurer, you must establish that a motor vehicle accident caused your injuries and losses. You may also need to prove the medical care you received was “reasonable” and “necessary.” When pursuing damages from a negligent driver or other liable party, you must show they bear fault for the crash.
Our Daytona Beach personal injury lawyers can help you build a robust case and fight for the maximum compensation possible. Our legal team can:
- Visit the accident scene to collect physical evidence and take photographs
- Obtain a copy of your police report and medical records
- Locate and interview eyewitnesses
- Track down available video footage of the crash
- Hire and consult with accident reconstruction specialists, medical professionals, and other experts when needed
- Document your damages using bills, pay stubs, and receipts
- Estimate your future and ongoing losses
- Prepare and file your insurance claims and related paperwork
- Communicate with involved parties and aggressively advocate for you
- File a lawsuit in civil court and represent you at trial if necessary
We Must Meet Florida Statute of Limitations Deadlines for a Hit-and-Run Lawsuit
If you were in a hit-and-run collision, you should notify your insurer immediately. You should also see a doctor as soon as possible. If you do not seek treatment within 14 days of your crash, your PIP insurance may deny you medical coverage.
If you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit, you must file your case within two years of the accident date, per Florida Statutes § 95.11. The statute of limitations also allows two years to file a wrongful death action or survival action.
Our car accident lawyers can tell you more about how these deadlines will affect your case and help you get started before time runs out.
Daytona Beach Hit and Run Accident Lawyer Near Me
Call Bogin, Munns & Munns Today After a Daytona Beach Hit-and-Run Crash
Bogin, Munns & Munns has the legal knowledge and case experience needed to get the job done. Call us for a free consultation and learn more about how our Daytona Beach hit-and-run accident attorneys can protect your financial future by recovering the compensation you deserve.
We take cases on contingency, which means our services cost you nothing upfront or out of pocket. Connect with a lawyer near you today.
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