Small businesses and large corporations all over Florida rely on contracts to protect all parties in a business agreement. If a contract dispute is inhibiting your business, we can help you reinforce the terms of your contract or settle your dispute and possibly avoid the time and expense of a trial.
From breach of contract cases to unfinished work to unmet obligations, we are on your side in a contractual dispute. Our Bogin, Munns & Munns lawyers handling Orlando contract disputes can help you fight to enforce a legally binding contract and get the solution you agreed to in the first place. If we cannot resolve your case with a settlement, we will represent you in court to ensure the other party honors and enforces your contract.
Our Team Can Help Resolve Your Contract Dispute
Florida statutes will play a significant role in your contract dispute case. When we represent you, we familiarize you with the law and its impact on your case. When our team helps you navigate a contract dispute, we:
- Read and scrutinize the contract in question
- Explain specific laws relevant to your case
- Update you at every stage of your case
- Fight for an out-of-court settlement
We help you use Florida laws and regulations (and your own proof of completion of your part of a contract) to prove your right to recovery in a business dispute. The specific details of your contract and the nature of your business will determine which state laws impact the enforcement and resolution of your case.
Florida Statutes § 672.201 details the formal requirements of a contract, including an agreement in writing by both parties and what constitutes the “statute of frauds” in the state. Our team will help you comply with the law while simultaneously proving the other involved party did not meet their contractual obligation. Our goal during representation is a favorable resolution of your contract.
We Can Help Even If You are Being Pursued By Another Party
Our contract dispute team will also help if you are accused of not meeting a contractual obligation or breach of contract. To support and resolve your case, we will delve into the details of the contract in question. Our team will:
- Clarify the terms of the contract
- Prove that you met your obligation
- Avoid a court case, where possible
- Comply with filing deadlines
- Act swiftly on your behalf
Contract disputes have a filing deadline, per Florida Statutes § 95.11(b). Accordingly, legal action on written contracts must generally be filed within five years – a deadline our team can help you meet with sufficient notice.
Additionally, because contracts are a necessary part of doing business and because your good name is of paramount importance to your business, our team is committed to helping you protect both. We focus on:
- The details of your contract
- Your legal obligations
- Your business and personal reputation
Previous Client Reviews
One of the best ways to understand our commitment to helping business owners is to hear from past clients. When they thank our firm for standing by their side and helping resolve their legal issues, they say:
- “Our company needed legal assistance, [and] meeting with Stephanie Boomershine with Bogin, Munns & Munns was the best move we could have made. Stephanie diligently worked to stop damages tirelessly to maximize our recovery while keeping us informed.” – Allison L.
- “My experience with Bogin, Munns and Munns was life changing. The professionalism and empathy that was shown during my legal process was extraordinary. I truly felt they were concerned about my legal issue and was working [on] my behalf. Thank you for a job well done.” – Emma N.
- “Travis McMillan and Jackie Pena are the absolute best at what they do! They are caring and compassionate to their clients. They go the extra mile and really take the time to understand their clients’ needs.” – Sara S.
When you trust our team with your contract disputes, we ensure you receive the level of service and dedication these clients experienced.
Do Not Let a Contract Dispute Derail Your Business
As a business owner, you put a contract in place to help create certainty and a clear understanding. When this does not happen because a contract is not honored, our team can help you hold the other party to your agreement or seek compensation for losses you incur because of their breach or failure to perform.
With our help and support, you can keep your business focused and on track. This could help minimize the potential harm of a contract that was not honored. Our contract protection team can help your business avoid:
- Unmet promises
- Incomplete work
- Payment disagreements
- Undelivered goods
- Faulty services
- Errors and omissions
- Failed delivery
- Flawed products
With our contract dispute team on your side, you can focus on the continued growth of your business. Our team will focus on enforcing the terms of your contract or proving you have lived up to your responsibilities and the contract’s requirements.
Our Bogin, Munns & Munns contract real estate lawyer serving clients in Orlando can help you regain the solid footing your business needs.
Trust Our Team to Resolve Your Contract Disagreements
As a business owner, you can find yourself on either side of a contract dispute. When the two parties disagree on the outcome of a contract, our team will help you navigate contract discrepancies with:
- Vendors
- Partners
- Licensees
- Franchisees
We help business owners in these and other contractual relationships. This list is not exhaustive, so the best way to find out how to help you is to call for a consultation with one of our team members. If you dispute whether you or someone you contracted with honored your contract, our team will work hard to help you resolve your case without going to court.
Let Us Help Resolve Your Contract Dispute
Protect your new, existing, or growing business with help and direction from our Orlando lawyers familiar with contract disputes. Get the help and support you need by contacting one of our Bogin, Munns & Munns business litigation team members at (407) 578-9696 today.
Call or Submit Our Consultation Request Form Today