A traditional way in which young people preparing to enter the labor force — as well as people making career transitions — is to become apprentices. Or interns.1
This ‘old school’ method of hands-on training (which can be paid) has not gone unrecognized by the federal government. In fact, the period from November 12 – 18, 2018 has been identified as “National Apprenticeship Week”. The mutual impact and investment apprentices and their individual and business sponsors enjoy benefits the participants and the economy as a whole.
Apprentices (and interns) learn the basic elements and nuances of trades and professions, and the sponsors have the ability to identify talented prospects who can, over time, add direct value to their operations. Yes, it initially ‘costs’ both sides of the relationship time, attention, and even money, but when an apprenticeship is organized well it can lead to a positive return-of-investment for all concerned.
Apprentices (and interns) learn the basic elements and nuances of trades and professions, and the sponsors have the ability to identify talented prospects who can, over time, add direct value to their operations.This year’s “NAW” theme is “Apprenticeships – Creating Tomorrow”. As U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta noted. “NAW celebrates the impact apprenticeship programs have in helping Americans learn skills for jobs in growing industries.” Further, “National Apprenticeship Week provides an opportunity to showcase how businesses, labor, educational institutions, trade and industry groups, and public officials across the nation are expanding apprenticeships to develop a skilled, dedicated workforce.”2
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One challenge for an apprentice prospect, or for a business considering taking on an apprentice, is making the ‘match’. To facilitate those introductions, the Department of Labor has launched. That portal “features an Apprenticeship Finder tool that offers career seekers a platform to search for apprenticeships by city, state, and occupation, and connects job seekers to high-skilled, high paying careers.”
For a list of National Apprenticeship Week events visit this page from the U.S. Dept. of Labor.
And now for a Brightline update! This series has addressed a number of Brightline train developments over time.3(Which is because this writer L-O-V-E-S trains. All of them. And everything about them.)
As the result of an investment by Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group in Brightline, the rail line will now be named “Virgin Trains USA”.4 (Ta da!) So…Florida rail passengers and aficionados should ‘be on the lookout’ for this new brand.
All aboard! (And while we are at it, could this new partnership be a source for apprenticeships and internships? ‘Asking for a friend…’)
1 See https://www.boginmunns.com/blog.
2 https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/osec/osec20181112. Other DOL quotes in this article are from this same source.
3 See, for example, https://www.boginmunns.com/blog.
4 Here is a link to The Virgin Group’s press release on Brightline’s rebranding to Virgin Trains USA: https://www.floridatrend.com/article/25856/virgin-group-purchases-brightline-renames-it-virgin-trains-usa.
– For more information, call Philip N. Kabler of the Gainesville, FL office of Bogin, Munns & Munns, P.A. at 352.332.7688, where he practices in the areas of business, banking, real estate, and equine law. He is also the Immediate Past President of the North Florida Association of Real Estate Attorneys, and has taught business and real estate law courses at the University of Florida Levin College of Law and Warrington College of Business Administration.
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